Friday, July 20, 2012

Why don't you just feed him "normal" food?? The reactions he gets.

People say why don't you just feed your kid "real food" or let him have it. Well if I "let" him have something he can not tolerate he is miserable and then I am miserable trying to console him from all the pain he endures.

         First he reacts mentally. He gets weird, insane in the membrane. They call this ataxia. He will get angry, his eyes seem to get dilated, he does this weird underbite with his mouth, he starts biting his tongue and blowing bubbles, and starts head butting things as if he cannot feel his head or pain. This usually happens between 30minutes to 1hr after.

      Secondly he gets restless when it comes to bedtime. You have to understand his normal self before you can understand the reactions. He normally is perfect at bedtime. He has always been an excellent deep sleeper. He usually nurses right to sleep. If he is upset he will just nurse forever and not wear out or tire down because he is so irritated and can't hold still, and picks at everything on me and drives me nuts. In fact tonight is one of those nights where 30minute bed time turns into 4hours. Naptime was like that too.

Third. He wakes.up in the middle of the night with his eyes closed screaming bloody murder and inconsolable. His tummy is tight and he won't move his legs. He turns into a stiff doll basically.

That is all usually besides the diaper rash. When he eats something with corn or gluten he gets holes on his skin. He gets deep circular open sores.

Fun stuff. Not!

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