Friday, July 20, 2012

Desmund's Food Story

It all started when we moved to America when he was 15months old. Before that he had some slight issues, stringy weird poops, slight allergies to citric acid, a bad reaction to dairy he accidentally got at 10months. No big deal. So no dairy or citric acid. Then he started getting crabby about 30minutes after he ate. I notice everything usually. So we did an elimination diet and just started skimming things down to see what he reacts to.

First thing was gluten. We tried going from bleached flour/unbleached flour down to only whole grain/whole wheat flour. Then just doing rice for a week and reintroducing wheat. It was most definitely the wheat. He would react in the middle of the night almost 12 hours exactly from whatever he had eaten that caused an upset. His stomach was hard as a rock and cramping he would just nurse to console the pain I'm guessing. This wasn't always the problem he had always been a really good sleeper and hadn't nursed at night for quite some time. So no more gluten. We tried to get into an allergist but we were moving again. So I just kept paying attention to his food. He seemed to be doing just fine no dairy, citric acid, or gluten.

The first reaction of his life was to chemicals in disposable diapers he had crazy burns from the diapers and they were very deep. So we switched to cloth right away it took about 3weeks for them to heal. His skin was super sensitive we thought it was just because he was a 35 week preemie. If he touched you and you had not safe detergent on his skin would turn all red and get bumps exactly where he touched you or laid up against you. So we switched to Charlie's soap. Apparently that is from a corn allergy we later discovered was our biggest offender, it was in diapers and cleaners of every kind. No excema or skin reactions after we switched.

His very first food reaction was around 10 months to citric acid in baby food. He would get red acid burn on his bum an upset tummy and weird poop. So no more baby food. We did Baby Led Weaning for the most part anyway but the doctors kept pressuring us to do baby food because he wasnt gaining weight like he should. Maybe they should have done a blood test??? Dum dee dum.

The next upset was to baby food Gerber 2nd foods it had "traces" of dairy unmarked on the label of course. But at this point we didn't know. He was under a year so he shouldn't have been given dairy to begin with. I don't remember the circumstance of him eating the baby food but I do remember my husband fed it to him! Lol. That night he had blood dripping from his bum. It wasn't in his poop it was coming out his bum about a teaspoon full. So we rushed to the Urgent Care on the army base. We should have gone to the Koreans instead. Real Doctors. The army doc tried to tell us he had fissures from the poop, he even went as far as copying the page from his book and sending us home with that. So a googling I went to find out there was milk in the baby food and that he probably had a severe food reaction to it. So no more of that ever again. Later we found out from our Allergist this is an FPIES reaction so he has FPIES to casein for sure and cannot have any form of it.

I'm not sure how the other ones developed he just seems to be fine and then one day gets upset and can no longer tolerate that kind of food anymore. Of course I always double check by taking it out of his diet for a month then reintroducing it for 3 days the doctors all recommend this method. I keep a food diary on my phone and record what he eats and what time. I also keep one for me since I'm still breastfeeding.

The problem with opposing foods is things are hidden in our foods for instance if they aren't organic they have chemicals in them. Organic foods also have chemicals on them as well. If they are meat its been sprayed down with lactid acid, or bleach. Who knows what they were fed as well. He could be reacting to anything the meat came in contact with. Most meats unless locally have been sprayed with lactic acid even organic so its totally ruined. So I found a local farmer at our awesome farmers market and tried some safe meat on him. No such luck he reacted for 7days!! Meat is a super bad one for him.

Vegetables and fruit. If they are in the store they have all been sprayed with a chemical to not cause fungus and to keep the bugs away. Apple's are polished with wax among other things so they look pretty. So now he was reacting to vegetables at the store. Most chemicals we found out have corn in them not normal corn genitically modified corn so its unnatural. If its unnatural your body has a problem.breaking it down and absorbing nutrients from it. So farmers market there are only 3 local farmers that don't use any kind of spray and it comes straight to us the day its picked. All the others use the spray the USDA recommends which is the anti fungal spray with all the bad chemicals in it so totally ruins those nice organic veggies.

He has had thrush off and on since he was born the reason it doesn't go away is because all.medicines over the counter or not have citric acid aka another corn GMO PRODUCT in them to preserve them. So they make his body fight them off because its bad to him. Who would have known! He is almost 2 and we are just now figuring out everything around him was making him sick.

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