Sunday, August 5, 2012

Chia Pudding easy snack or fast breakfast!

Chuh Chuh Chuh Chia Pudding =)
1/2 cup of chia seeds
2 cups of hot water OR hot fresh fruit juice OR the rest of the coconut milk heated- I use blueberry juice from the frozen blueberries it was so good!!
1 big mixing bowl
2 cans of coconut milk usually found in the Asian section of your store or cool whip or heavy whipping cream
+Whatever topping you would like I like cold or warm fruit

So my perfected recipe! I take 1/2 cup of chia seeds and 2 cups of warm water, mix, then let it set for 15minutes to gel. Then I take the coconut milk and use a fork and get out the thick coconut milk and mix with the fork. You can also use maybe cool whip or heavy whipped cream but it won't be healthy. Mix it well and either eat a cup or let it sit in the fridge for about 2+hours. I like it best overnight. I keep the half pint mason jars constantly full in the fridge for easy access just like homemade pudding cups! I add berries usually blueberries since I have a ton of them frozen to the topping.

It does taste good with any topping. I had a peach warm topping to mine this smorning fresh from the crockpot. Just chopped up peaches set on warm overnight. Super yummy!  It tastes just like tapioca pudding, I think better because of the coconut milk creaminess. It's a hit for the toddler & 10 month old and delicious! I stopped adding sugary stuff like honey or maple syrup I just didn't like adding it, it tastes fine without it but you can drizzle some on afterwards!


Canned coconut milk
-Calorie dense-Good for up to 2 hours of weightlifting!
-Low Carb
+High in Potassium-Target area of Heart, muscles and nerves!
+Rich in Choline-Target area your metabolism
+Medium Chain Triglycerides-Metabolism-Can enhance fat and calorie burning

For kids it's great for helping them gain weight because of the high fat/calorie count. The fat count is pretty close to breast milk for gaining weight.

Chia Seeds
Read THIS!!


The unsaturated fat contained in chia keeps inflammation down, providing a healthy balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. In an article in the North Carolina Independant Tribune reported an article, "New Study Explores Health Benefits With Chia Dr. David Nieman, Director of the Human Performance Research Lab at the Appalachian State University in North Carolina, stated "chia seeds are the best plant source for omega-3 fatty acids."

Blood Sugar

Chia controls blood sugar and prevents the onset of diabetes, according to the Nutritional Science Research Institute. It mentions a study published in 2007 by "Diabetes Care" claiming chia, a low glycemic food, allows blood sugar to rise slowly, without a spike, keeping blood sugar controlled.


Twenty-eight percent more fiber than flaxseed puts chia seed in the lead for proper digestion. It also takes care of 20 percent of the daily requirement of fiber. The seed contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Chia provides slow digestion, keeping insulin requirements low.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Chia alleviates a multitude of factors that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention considers risk factors for heart disease. High cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes have been linked to cardiovascular issues. Chia's omega-3s, especially the alpha-linolenic acid, reduces plaque buildup associated with heart problems.


Along with essential fatty acids, chia contains minerals and vitamins that protect cells. There is as much calcium in 3 oz. of chia as there is in 2 cups of milk. Iron in 4 cups of spinach equals the same as 3 oz. of chia.

Energy Booster

There is a surge of energy and strength with chia. It is credited to the synergy of its potent properties. It was once called "Indian Running Food," according to James Scheer, eloquent author of several health books including "The Magic of Chia."

Weight Control

Although clinical trials haven't shown chia seeds to reduce weight, Scheer boasts chia helps control weight. Hunger pangs result when too much insulin has been released and blood sugar drops. Mixing chia seed with fruit juice can keep a person satisfied until lunch, according to Scheer. Chia swells once in the stomach, turning into a gel, thus making an individual full.

Sleep Aid

Chia seed contains tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sound sleep. The healing effects originate from serotonin, a neurotransmitter needed for tryptophan formation.

Lowers Cholesterol

With chia's fiber count, linoleic acid and long chain triglycerides that scrub away artery plaque, chia lowers bad LDL cholesterol and raises good HDL levels.

Prevents Cancer

Chia's antioxidants play a crucial role in cancer prevention. Chia holds protease inhibitors that destroy cancer cells and repair DNA damage. Scheer mentions in his book about a survey, taken in 41 countries, showing lower cancer rates where chia intake was highest.

Read more:

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